Tip - Keep it super simple for customers 🀝

PLUS: Big Yellow raise rates πŸ’°

GM Store Nation,

This is Mr Self Storage. I am the self storage caddy that helps you get that hole-in-one. 

Letss do Thiisss ...

Here's what coming your way today :- 😱 πŸ˜Ž πŸŽ―

🀐 A Self Storage Tip - Keep it simple for your customers

🀝 3 Self Storage News Stories

🧐 Yesterdays figures for each facility

πŸ€‘ My takings so far for 3 of the 4 sites

πŸ₯Έ 1 Meme of the day

Self Storage Tip - πŸ’‘ πŸ’° πŸ€‘

Keep it simple for customers 🧐

I was doing some research on a potential competitors site and I saw this -

Monthly Price - Β£157.89

Why oh Why oh Why 🀯

The mind boggles!

Why would you add in the Pence ? It does nothing but confuse the customer

Subconsciously, because there’s more numbers there your brain thinks its more expensive πŸ’°

There are tons of research out there that suggests you should have the last number either a 7 or a 9 … I do believe that 7s have a slightly higher conversion rate

However in this instant I would round up and say Β£159 (no one likes to round down) πŸ€‘

Keep it simple and easy to read for your customer 🀝

Industry News -  πŸ§

  • 1 - Where to Position Commercial CCTV Cameras in Your Business


    β€’ CCTV cameras should be installed in key locations to ensure maximum surveillance πŸ”

    β€’ Warehouses, entrances, storerooms, car parks and receptions should all have CCTV cameras πŸ“Ή

    β€’ Professional CCTV installers can provide advice on the best placement for CCTV cameras πŸ’‘

    β€’ Having CCTV cameras set up correctly can help to deter criminals and capture evidence 🚫

  • 2 - The legend that is Anne Ballard Increases

Obviously im biased but I thought this was a brilliant article from a self storage great πŸ˜ƒ 

  • 3 - BIG YELLOW’s 4th Quarter Results

Occupancy still down but raising rates have meant that revenue is UP πŸ“ˆ

Great read!

The fun bit - My business .... Bare Butt Naked! πŸ˜² πŸ€« πŸ€­

Willerby (Hull) My big site -
  • 2 Reservations

  • 1 Move In's

  • 3 Move outs

Month to Date -

  • PLUS 1,360 Sq Ft for the month

Reservations so far this week = 3

Move ins so far this week = 1

Clough Rd Figures .... The Automated Site
  • 2 Reservations

  • 0 Move ins

  • 0 Move out

Month to Date -

  • PLUS 1060 SQ FT Up for the month so far.

Reservations so far this week = 3

Move ins so far this week = 0

Beverley ... My baby ... My first site! -
  • 1 Reservation

  • 1 Move in

  • 0 Move Out

Month to Date -

  • 280 Sq Ft Up for the month

Reservations so far this week = 2

Move ins so far this week = 1

Wrexham's Figures (Indoor) ... My First acquisition

Reservations so far this week = 1

Move ins so far this week = 0


Reservations so far this week = 9

Move ins so far this week = 2

TRUE PERIOD REVENUE (Invoices sent so far this month) πŸ€‘

Beverley -

Willerby -

Wrexham -

Meme of the day - πŸ‘€ πŸ˜‚

Health and Fitness ... Move More = Live Longer - πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ πŸƒ

Weekly goals -

  • Gym - 4 times

  • Run - 50 K

Results so far -

  • Gym - 1

  • Run - 16k

  • Boxing - 0

Yesterdays Steps - 25,241

Loads of self storage love,

Dean ❀️ πŸ™ƒ 

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