Sure Store To Open New Site 👏

PLUS: Mentors and the cost of them 🤔

GM Store Nation,

Well its a lot like yesterday ….

Reservations awesome … 5 across the sites 👏

Move ins … Low 🫣

Move Outs …. HUGE 🥲

Letss do Thiisss ...

Here's what coming your way today :- 😱 😎 🎯

🤐 A Self Storage Tip - Mentors and the cost of them

🤝 3 Self Storage News Stories

🧐 Yesterdays figures for each facility

🥸 1 Meme of the day

Self Storage Tip - 💡 💰 🤑

I get asked a lot about my mentors ….

Who are they and how much do I pay them 🤔

So as you know im a mentor and course junky!!

Im a big believer in the more you learn the more you earn …. And I don’t mean learn at school (don’t get me started about that con 😳), I mean learning skill that can actually help in the real world 🌎

I actually think its criminal not to invest in yourself! Its without doubt the best ROI you can get!

Why wouldn’t you listen, learn and implement the wisdom of others who have been there and done it?

Mentors are without doubt the number one reason I am where I am right now …

… Ha sounds like im really successful 🫣 …. Maybe not yet … But I will be though, I promise 😃

So I think you know I have strong opinions on this matter haha … lets dive in

Ok my Mentors -

Dan Bradbury

Cost - £40k ish per year

What I get -

One on one coaching every other week for an hour

What’s App contact

Access to the CEO mastermind

Access to the Quarterly meet-up

Dan said something to me during CVID that has made me a client for life … Dean if your business can’t afford it I will help you for free.

How awesome was that!!! That’s a guy that cares about your results and your business

Dan even introduced me to a Billionaire who wanted to invest £10 million pound into my business every 2 years for expansion …. I turned it down … that’s another story! But having Dan as a coach and mentor made that possible … What an experience BTW 😳

Jonathan Jay -

Cost £26,000

What I get -

One on one coaching every other week for an hour …. Within 3 sessions I had bought a business

AJ Osbourne Mastermind

Cost £6,000 (cost is now 12k a year)

What I get -

Group Calls, If I can’t make those calls (I never can) then we get recordings

Dave Davies -

£1,000 ish a day plus travel

What I get -

To pick Daves brains and get his opinion (Fucking No Brainer Maate!)

On Daves watch he took Safe Store from 16 stores to 106 stores …. You would be mad not to pay for that knowledge!

Fred - Attic Founder

I don’t think I can disclose too much about this because I don’t think Fred does consultancy

I basically wanted to understand Freds thought process when accessing a new site

It was invaluable …. I actually told Fred he was too cheap! 💰

For my money Fred is the best operator in the UK for self storage (best ive seen anyway … by a long shot!)

All of the above are investments NOT costs!

As soon as you think of these as costs you loose!!

There are other mentors, courses and memberships that I pay for but the above are probably the main ones and the ones you recognise

Find someone who has knowledge you want and pay them for it … Its the biggest shortcut to success in life ✌️

Industry News -  🧐

  • 1 - Former PC World to open as a Sure Store

  • 2 - Hundreds of bottles of party drug GBL found in Big Yellow Self Storage and Safestore lockers

  • 3 - Analyzing Extra Space Storage (NYSE:EXR) and Safestore

The fun bit - My business .... Bare Butt Naked! 😲 🤫 🤭

Willerby (Hull) My big site -
  • 4 Reservations

  • 0 Move In's

  • 5 Move outs … AGHHHH

Month to Date -

  • Minus 480 Sq Ft

Reservations so far this week = 7

Move ins so far this week = 1

Clough Rd Figures .... The Automated Site
  • 0 Reservations

  • 1 Move ins

  • 1 Move out ….. AGHHHHH 😱

Month to Date -

  • 325 SQ FT DOWN for the month so far.

Reservations so far this week = 1

Move ins so far this week = 1

Beverley ... My baby ... My first site! -
  • 1 Reservation

  • 0 Move in

  • 1 Move Out

Month to Date -

  • 0 Sq Ft down for the month

Reservations so far this week = 1

Move ins so far this week = 0

Wrexham's Figures (Indoor) ... My First acquisition

Reservations so far this week = 2

Move ins so far this week = 1


Reservations so far this week = 9

Move ins so far this week = 3

Meme of the day - 👀 😂

Health and Fitness ... Move More = Live Longer - 🏋️‍♀️ 🏃

Weekly goals -

  • Gym - 1 times …. Im away in caravan for 9 days

  • Run - 30 K

  • Boxing - 0

Results so far -

  • Gym - 1

  • Run - 0 k

  • Boxing - 0

Im away in the caravan so im getting up an hour and half before the wife and kids to get the steps in ….

Im gonna try and see if there’s a gym round here that will allow a weeks membership … Feel like if I don’t I will be pilling on the pounds …. Momentum is so so so important!

Yesterdays Steps - 20,497

Loads of self storage love,

Dean ❤️ 🙃 

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