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Hey Heyyy,
So good solid start to the week ... And while I write this we have just had an online reservation ..... I know, I know self storage porn right there!
Letss do Thiis ...
Here's what coming your way today :-
Self Storage Tip - My Revenue for my big site, year on year
Industry News -
How much we've invoiced so far this month
Yesterday's Figures ... How did we do?!
Meme of the day -
Self Storage Tip -
In October 2016 I opened my 1st BIG Self Storage Facility!
Heres the revenues year on year since 2016 ... I LOST money for 3 years!
Willerby's Revenue since 2016 (Ex Vat) -
October 2016 - September 2017 -
Revenue = £131,176
October 2017 - September 2018 -
Revenue = £323,120
October 2018 - September 2019 -
Revenue = £409,150
October 2019 - September 2020 -
Revenue = £457,412
October 2020 - September 2021 -
Revenue = £743,538
October 2021 - September - 2022 -
Revenue = £876,185
I share this because I dont want people to make the same mistake as me!
Yes self storage is an amazing business to be in but you lose money in the first couple / few years during lease up
(Unless your Ben Holmes and Frederic de Ryckman de Betz ... they seem to break even in months 🤓 #Experts #Annoying #ImOnlyJealous haha 😜)
Make sure you factor this loss into your projections .... I didnt and it was a blooming scary few years!
Massive thanks to Dave Davies (DD) who is the reason for the consistent growth ... "No Brainer Maate"
PS - I also expect that revenue will go down this year because we have had the cvid bump over the last few years and occupancy has decreased ... But it is going back up now!
Industry News -
1 - Why you should have disaster insurance for your facility!!
Ive highlighted this article because I think its critical we have covered ourselves if the unthinkable happens!
We have something called "interruption insurance" this basically means if you cant trade you are covered.
It gives me peace of mind .... especially when im a worrier and I constantly think about what a fire would do to me and my business
2 -
3 - Lets finish off with an Acquisition .... In America of course
229 units
24,094 net lettable sq ft of storage
TRUE PERIOD REVENUE (Basically invoices sent so far this month)
Beverley -

Willerby -

Wrexham -

The fun bit - My business .... Bare Butt Naked!
Willerby (Hull) My big site -

Yesterdays Results -
3 Res today
3 Move In's
0 Move outs
Month to Date -
PLUS 315 Sq Ft for the month
Reservations so far this week = 3
Move ins so far this week = 3
Clough Rd Figures .... The Automated Site

Yesterdays results -
2 Reservations
0 Move ins
0 Move out
Month to Date -
210 SQ FT Up for the month so far.
Reservations so far this week = 2
Move ins so far this week = 0
Beverley ... My baby ... My first site! -

Yesterdays results -
0 Reservation
0 Move in
0 Move Out
Month to Date -
MINUS 180 Sq Ft Up for the month
Reservations so far this week = 0
Move ins so far this week = 0
Wrexham's Figures (Indoor) ... My First acquisition

Reservations so far this week = 0
Move ins so far this week = 0
Reservations so far this week = 5
Move ins so far this week = 3
Self Storage Meme of the day -

Health and Fitness ... Move More = Live Longer -
Weekly goals -
Gym - 4 times
Run - 50 K
Results so far -
Gym - 0
Run - 8k
Yesterdays Steps - 17,950
Loads of self storage love,
Dean :-)
What did you think to todays email??? |