- Mr Self Storage
- Posts
PLUS: Price Increase Push Backs

🎙️ Have you checked out my Hacking Self Storage podcast? Find it HERE.
GM Store Nation,
Store Nation, this will be the last newsletter until Wednesday 3rd January 🥹
I know, I know … I’m as upset as you 🫣 I’m really sorry … but, I‘ve been told that absence makes the heart grow fonder 😍 So with a bit of luck, you’ll love me more in 2024 🥳
BUTTTTT … I have a little gift for you on Christmas Day … Keep an eye open for my email. Mums the word 🤫
I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very very Happy Christmas and a Wonderful New Year …. You guys are awesome and I really appreciate you opening the email … Much storage man love ❤️
Yesterdays Stats …
Daily Total: Month To Date Total: | £7,123.10 £58,195.88 |
Daily Total: Month To Date Total: | £897.84 £14,691.23 |
Daily Total: Month To Date Total: | £1,705.49 £19,631.18 |
Daily Total: Month To Date Total: | £0.00 £5,713.61 |
Daily Total: Month To Date Total: | £503.75 £3,846.36 |
Daily Total For All Sites: Total For All Sites: | £10,230.18 £102,078.26 |
2 Reservations
2 Move Ins
2 Move Outs
Lets … Do … This …
Here's what coming your way today :-) 😎 🎯
🤐 A Self Storage Tip - “Price Increase Push Backs 🤔”
🤝 3 Self Storage News Stories
🧐 Yesterday’s figures for each facility
🥸 1 Meme of the day
Self Storage Tip - 💡 💰 🤑
Yesterday we spoke about “The Price Increase Letter” we send to customer
BUT …. What happens if the customer challenges you about the increase ?? 🤔
Don’t worry I got you …. We have a playbook for that as well 📘
So the customer rings …. “Ring …. Ring” … We answer within 2 rings 😂
Customer - “It’s Mr Smith, I’m really upset with the price increase you have sent me”
Store More Team - “Oh hi Mr Smith, I hope you’re well. I’m sorry to hear that, give me two seconds while I look into your account”
** Brings up account
“Aghhh yes, I see we have given you a £15 increase starting next month”
Customer - “Yes that’s correct, is there anything you can do for me”
Store More Team - “Tell you what, let me escalate this to the director, I notice from our notes that you’ve been in 9 months now and you’ve always paid on time and I would hate you to be unhappy with the service we are providing … Leave it with me and il speak to the director and get back to you …. Just a small warning the director is hard to get hold of sometimes but I will keep trying him to get this resolved as quickly as possible, that sound fair to you?
Customer - “Yeah that sounds great, thank you!”
Store More Team - “No problem speak soon”
***End of call
There’s a few psychological triggers in here to note -
“Oh hi Mr Smith, I hope you’re well. I’m sorry to hear that …
Been friendly and polite disarms the customer, you can’t be angry with polite and friendly
“Tell you what, let me escalate this to the director …
This is taking you out of the firing range and blaming someone else …. Classic Sales. It maintains your relationship with the customer. That’s the goal!
“Just a small warning the director is hard to get hold of sometimes but I will keep trying him to get this resolved as quickly as possible …”
This limits their expectations and it’s letting the customer know you're going to keep pushing for them …. It’s also setting a win up for you, because you are going to get back to the customer within 2 hours, this beating their expectations (that you set BTW … brilliant I know 😝)
that sound fair to you?”
Straight from the “Straight Line” sales playbook (Wolf of Wall Street …. I don’t love the man but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from him)
The psychology here is it’s harder to disagree with a positive statement
Within 2 hours we call the customer back -
Store More Team - “Hi Mr Smith, I finally got hold of my director”
Customer - “Ohh yeah what did he say”
Store More Team - “Well I outlined what a great customer you are because of XY and Z and I asked him, I know it’s against company policy but is there anything we can do? To my surprise, he said I could half the increase …. I must have caught him on a good day as he doesn’t normally deviate from the company policy. How does that sound to you?”
Customer - Awww wow brilliant, thank you, sounds great
Two things to note in this section -
“He doesn’t normally deviate from the policy”
That’s telling the customer what an amazing deal they are getting without telling the customer 😃
“How does that sound to you?”
Notice we don’t lead with that sound fair to you … The reason is because there can be too many positives in a sentence and it doesn’t sound real
This situation is a win for us and a win for the customer
We still get a price increase and build a stronger relationship with the customer and the customer gets a 50% saving
I can’t remember too many times when this method hasn’t worked
So if you’re worrying about price increase push back … Don’t!
*** For full transparency, the Store More Team don’t ring me and ask for permission … This is our protocol on how to handle price increase push backs
It’s adds to the theatre and makes the GIVE that much more special
Hope that helps
PS … It’s not the exact script (we dont have scripts, but you get the point)
Industry News - 🧐
1 - Lock Stock Self Storage helps Hope House with donations
2 - Access Self Storage collect over 1500 Christmas gifts in 10th anniversary Christmas charity appeal
3 - Storage firm's kind gesture that's made 'life so much easier' for school
The fun bit - My business .... Bare Butt Naked! 😲 🤫 🤭
Willerby (Hull) My big site -

1 Reservations
1 Move Ins
0 Move Outs
Month to Date -
MINUS 990 Sq Ft
Reservations so far this week = 4
Move Ins so far this week = 1
Clough Rd Figures .... The Automated Site

1 Reservations
0 Move Ins
2 Move outs
Month to Date -
MINUS 985 Sq Ft
Reservations so far this week = 3
Move Ins so far this week = 1
Beverley … My Baby (First site)

0 Reservation
0 Move Ins
0 Move Outs
Month to Date -
PLUS 205 Sq Ft for the month
Reservations so far this week = 0
Move Ins so far this week = 0
Wrexham's Figures (Indoor) ... My First Acquisition

0 Reservation
0 Move Ins
0 Move Outs
Month to Date -
MINUS 265 Sq Ft
Reservations so far this week = 2
Move Ins so far this week = 2
Mansfield Figures - My New Site

0 Reservation
1 Move Ins
0 Move Outs
Month to Date -
Reservations so far this week = 1
Move Ins so far this week = 2
Reservations so far this week = 10
Move Ins so far this week = 6
Meme / GIF of the day - 👀 😂

Health and Fitness ... Move More = Live Longer - 🏋️♀️ 🏃
Weekly goals -
Gym - 4 times …. 20,000 steps per day
Run - 25 k
Boxing - 0
Results so far -
Gym - 0
Run - 4k … Ive been poorly ok 🤔
Boxing - 0
Yesterday’s Steps - 11,121
Loads of self storage love,
Dean ❤️ 🙃
What did you think to todays email??? |