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- My New Years Goals 👊
My New Years Goals 👊
And ... Where I dropped the ball in 2024 😳

🎙️ Have you checked out my Hacking Self Storage podcast? Find it HERE.
Heyyyyy Store…Fam…A…Lam
I think it’s important to take stock of your life at certain points throughout the year ….
New Year is one of those such points 👊
I like to sit down and take an hour or two to plan out my priorities for the coming 12 …
Then after I know what my prioritise are I then like to take a day or two to strategise how I will achieve them
(Me and the wife are off to Tenerife for 3 days next week, this is where I can strategise and plan 😈😈)
Theres 4 main buckets for me -
Let’s start with …
Health -
156 Visits to the gym (Average 3 times a week)
1,300 Miles run (Average 25 miles a week)
17,500 Daily average step count
I almost think, if i hit these targets then the shape of the body will take care of itself 💪
Ha …. But ….
I did say this last year ….
I ended up betting my kids id have a six pack by the end of 2024 … Needless to say I lost that bet 😫🤷♂️
Business -
(At least) 10 self storage sites up and running (we have such an opportunity in self storage right now it would be crazy not to push on)
Over 5,000 newsletter subs (currently on 778) (I have a lot of strategies to grow this but I won’t bore you)
YouTube - Set up a completely dedicated to YouTube (one video a week) (im excited by this)
£1 Million in course sales (all reinvested in Store Mores growth) … Ha buy my course NOW 😄
Post 5 times per week on LinkedIn (Mon - Fri)
Put on a conference for the first time (all profits go to charity)
Get better at replying to emails and messages 🫣😅 Sorry I know im shocking at this
Finally …. To have less cash flow worries … Ha gotta change the habit of a life time 😂
Overall I was really happy with the way 2024 progressed in most areas of business
As ever, because we are expanding rapidly cash flow was a constant worry and focus
Ive brought in an awesome FD (financial director) Claire on bard and straight away she has given me some strategies to improve this 😀
I do feel the (awesome) course will also help cash flow
Allow me a paragraph (or two 🤣) to tell you why you should buy the course …
Cough, Cough … (Clears his throat 🤔) …..
Right ….
I know I bang on about the course but I do it for two reasons
To sell more (ha not going to lie) ✅
Because I know how amazing it is ….. ✅
If all the course did was -
Increase revenue by 10% ..
Would it be worth it????
Helped you open your 1st self storage facility
Would it be worth it????
Gave you the confidence to open another self storage facility
Would it be worth it????
Heres the link to buy the course if your interested (available until 7pm tomorrow) -
Thats the last il talk about it today 😎
Pinky Promise ✅
Family -
I love spending time with my family and I know my kids wont always want to spend weekends and holidays with me … (Ha and probably the wife) forever …
So I’m going to continue to prioritise spending as much time with them as possible on school holidays and weekends ❤️🫶
I also feel very lucky to have an amazing relationship with my Mum and Dad and I wont to continue to focus on that
Hi Mum and Dad 🤣 … I know they read this newsletter 🤗
Relationships -
Focus on friendships more this year
Reply to friends more
With work and family life this is something I do drop the ball with
It is hard to juggle everything and sometimes balls drop … This is certainly one of them
It has been brought to my attention from closes friends that I am SHIT (there words haha) at replying …. So I’m going to make a conscious effort to improve this 👊
Most importantly appreciate the things you currently have ….
We tend to only appreciate something when its gone 🫶 … Myself included
Thats just about it guys ….
I would genuinely love to hear your aspirations for 2025 ….
Hit reply and let me know …. Il even reply 😳🤣🫶
Loads of self storage man love