We got a BAD review .... Aghhhh 😳

This is how we turned it into a 5 STAR review 🀩

GM From Centre Parcs Store Nation,

The wife is packing the bag for swimming, the kids are playing outside and yours truly is crafting this newsletter …. Today is going to be a GOOOOD DAY!!

So its the end of the month and on balance it was a good month for us 🎯

I would have liked more move ins … I think they are down on what I would expect in May … However the churn rate was low throughout the 4 sites

We ended the month just over 3,000 Sq Ft up 🀩 

Ok on to yesterdays figs ….

Letss do Thiisss ...

Here's what coming your way today :- 😱 πŸ˜Ž πŸŽ―

🀐 A Self Storage Tip - My Self Storage Take Aways

🧐 Yesterdays figures for each facility

πŸ€‘ My takings so far for 3 of the 4 sites

πŸ₯Έ 1 Meme of the day

Self Storage Tip - πŸ’‘ πŸ’° πŸ€‘

Aghh! We got our first ever 2 start review 😳

Here’s how we handled it …..

We’ve had over 700 reviews and this is the first 2 star review.

Honestly …. When I saw the review come in, my heart sank! πŸ’”

But we wanted to rectify the situation so we had to come up with a plan of action!

Heres what we did -

- Firstly we wanted to speak to the customer ☎️ …. Sometimes people just want to be heard

- Establish if the review fair?

- Understand what went wrong so we could put it right and learn from the review?!

The mantra been - Whatever the problem we can deal with it! ❀️

Ultimately are goal was two fold -

1 - Make sure the customer was happy πŸ‘Œ

2 - Get that pesky review taken down 🫣

After ringing the customer 3/4 times (yes we probably were annoying 😬) we finally got through ….

They were loverly! We listened and to be fair they had a point … Agghhh hate to say that!

(Basically it had been raining heavily and because people were coming in and out the floor wasn’t as clean as it should have been β˜”οΈβ˜”οΈπŸŒ§οΈ)

30 minutes after the call with the customer …. The most amazing thing happened …. They changed the review from a 2 star to a 5 star! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Take time to listen to your customers … apologise if necessary and always know we can do better.

I personally think the worst thing we can do is ignore them #Listen πŸ‘‚

We don’t really have a game plan for bad reviews … how do you handle them?? Any advice appreciated ✌️

The fun bit - My business .... Bare Butt Naked! πŸ˜² πŸ€« πŸ€­

Willerby (Hull) My big site -
  • 5 Reservations

  • 2 Move In's

  • 5 Move outs

Month to Date -

  • MINUS 485 Sq Ft for the month

Reservations so far this week = 7

Move ins so far this week = 5

Clough Rd Figures .... The Automated Site
  • 1 Reservations

  • 2 Move ins

  • 2 Move out

Month to Date -

  • MINUS 60 SQ FT Up for the month so far.

Reservations so far this week = 6

Move ins so far this week = 7

Beverley ... My baby ... My first site! -
  • 0 Reservation

  • 0 Move in

  • 0 Move Out

Month to Date -

  • 0 Sq Ft Up for the month

Reservations so far this week = 0

Move ins so far this week = 0

Wrexham's Figures (Indoor) ... My First acquisition

Reservations so far this week = 0

Move ins so far this week = 0


Reservations so far this week = 14

Move ins so far this week = 12

TRUE PERIOD REVENUE (Invoices sent so far this month) πŸ€‘

Beverley -

Willerby -

Wrexham -

Meme of the day - πŸ‘€ πŸ˜‚

Health and Fitness ... Move More = Live Longer - πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ πŸƒ

Weekly goals -

  • Gym - On my Hols

  • Run - 50 K

Results so far -

  • Gym - 0 Buuuuttt … I have done 200 press ups haha

  • Run - 5k

  • Boxing - 0

Yesterdays Steps - 16,279

Loads of self storage love,

Dean ❀️ πŸ™ƒ 

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