- Mr Self Storage
- Posts
- BIG BOYS And The New Tech 🤨
BIG BOYS And The New Tech 🤨
PLUS: Access Self Storage Doing Amazing Things … AGAIN!!

🎙️Have you checked out my Hacking Self Storage podcast? Find it HERE
GM Store Nation,
Itssss the first of December, which means one thing 👇👇👇

These little so and so’s are back 😲🥊
It’s a pain in the old butt … But the kids are so excited!! It’s so awesome to see! ❤️
I’m like a little kid … I love it!!
Happy Start Of Christmas Folks 🧑🎄🎄❤️
Yesterdays Stats …
3 Reservations
2 Move Ins
6 Move Outs
Lets … Do … This …
Here's what coming your way today :-) 😎 🎯
🤐 A Self Storage Tip - “BIG BOYS And The New Tech 🤨”
🤝 3 Self Storage News Stories
🧐 Yesterday’s figures for each facility
🥸 1 Meme of the day
Self Storage Tip - 💡 💰 🤑
BIG BOYS And The New Tech 🤨
How will the BIG BOYS play the new tech in the industry? Ie Nokey and Sensorburg
For those who don’t know, Sensorburg and Nokey are an app based tech that allows customers to gain access to a self storage facility and their room
I think it will be fascinating to see how Big Yellow and the likes play this …
I think there’s 3 possible outcomes -
1- Invest a lot of money retro fitting their facilities ….
Unlikely ❌
2 - Introduce the tech with new stores only
Maybe 🤷♂️
3- Do nothing … I think Jimmy mentioned doing this in an interview a few years back when the tech came out. Butttt he may have changed his mind
No chance … Well long term anyway … Sorry Jimmy ❌
I love to watch and try and guess how this plays out
I am absolutely certain that with the fullness of time, they can’t do nothing! 👎
If I was to guess today what they would do in the next 5 years I would say -
There’s a possibility Big Yellow will Retro Fitting a small amount of newer locations ie Kings Cross and see how that plays out with a view to introducing more if it’s successful.
But we have to remember that the likes of Big Yellow are a PLC which means there would probably have to be a tangible net benefit ie increased revenue or decrease in costs to get board approval for the Retro Fit
I think it’s more likely that within the next 5 years, the big boys start introducing the tech to new smaller sites …
I think the tech is too good for them to just ignore it completely
If I’m honest I hope they do ignore it … It’s a competitive advantage for me and others who are embracing the tech 🙌
Either way, it’s fun to watch and learn this play out ✅
Industry News - 🧐
1 - Vanquish Vermin at Your Self-Storage Property With These 3 Prevention Tips
2 - Virtual Reality Tours of Storage Facilities
3 - Access Self Storage doing amazing things … AGAIN!!
The fun bit - My business .... Bare Butt Naked! 😲 🤫 🤭
Willerby (Hull) My big site -

2 Reservations
0 Move Ins
2 Move Outs
Month to Date -
MINUS 1,930 Sq Ft Up
Reservations so far this week = 8
Move Ins so far this week = 4
Clough Rd Figures .... The Automated Site

0 Reservations
1 Move Ins
2 Move out
Month to Date -
1,395 Sq Ft Up!
Reservations so far this week = 2
Move Ins so far this week = 4
Beverley … My Baby (First site)

1 Reservation
0 Move Ins
2 Move Outs
Month to Date -
Minus 135 Sq Ft for the month
Reservations so far this week = 1
Move Ins so far this week = 1
Wrexham's Figures (Indoor) ... My First Acquisition

0 Reservation
0 Move Ins
0 Move Outs
Month to Date -
PLUS 590 Sq Ft for the month
Reservations so far this week = 3
Move Ins so far this week = 0
Mansfield Figures - My New Site

0 Reservation
1 Move Ins
0 Move Outs
Month to Date -
Reservations so far this week = 1
Move Ins so far this week = 2
Reservations so far this week = 16
Move Ins so far this week = 11
Meme / GIF of the day - 👀 😂

Health and Fitness ... Move More = Live Longer - 🏋️♀️ 🏃
Weekly goals -
Gym - 4 times …. 20,000 steps per day
Run - 25k
Boxing - 0
Results so far -
Gym - 0 …. I’m sorry, let myself down this week (but I will smash the running goal)
Run - 18.3k
Boxing - 0
Yesterday’s Steps - 16,535
Loads of self storage love,
Dean ❤️ 🙃
What did you think to todays email??? |