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- Willerby : 1,200 Sq Ft Down + NEW STORAGE SITE ALERT!!
Willerby : 1,200 Sq Ft Down + NEW STORAGE SITE ALERT!!

Hey Hey ... Its AGAIN been another tough day in the trenches here at Store More HQ.
We took another hit in Sq Ft at Willerby and Clough Rd
BUTTTT ... We do have some positive news to tell you in final thoughts!
Here's what coming your way today :-
Industry News .... Brilliant article about pricing strategies. Must Read!
How much we've invoiced so far this month
Yesterday's Figures ... How did we do?! You dont want to know!!
My fitness journey - Move More .... Live Longer
Thought of the day - New Site Alert!
Industry News -
1 - What it takes to open a self storage facility ...
Its a fairy basic article but still worth reading.
2 - This is an old article BUT its a must read!! (It was actually linked in the above article)
Ive been planning on doing a podcast (cough cough, Hacking Self Storage) all about how we need to simplify our pricing and the amount of rooms we offer. Confused customer dont buy!
Any way read the article ... Its a blooming good one!
3 - Last but certainly not least! Wait for it .... This is exciting (ha or maybe its just me who is excited about things like this)
A new state of art self storage facility with 910 .... Yes 910 climate controlled units.
Looks like its costing $12.2 Million!!
I love articles like this ... It just shows there is still a willing to lend and expand
TRUE PERIOD REVENUE (Basically invoices sent so far this month)
Beverley -

Store More Willerby -

Because of the software we use we only have 2 of the 4 sites True Period Rev ... We will have Wrexham for you shortly!
The fun bit - My business .... Bare Butt Naked!
Willerby Figures .... The BIG One

It says 2 Reservations but its actually one. The other moved to Clough Rd instead (cant cancel it off the figs for some reason)
ZERO Move ins
2 Move outs Move out!!
But the quotes are coming 9 in 2 days. The reservations will come ... He says praying ;-)

200 Down today ... meaning 1,210 Sq Ft down.
Breath Dean ... Deep breaths!!
Reservations so far this week - 1
Move ins so far this week -
Clough Rd Figures .... The New One

1 Reservations!
No move ins or outs

Minus 65 Sq Ft!
Reservations so far this week - 2
Move ins so far this week - 0
Beverley's Figures (Outdoor) .... My Baby!

No reservations today ... But the positive is the amount of quotes ... Reservations WILL follow
Busy day on the move ins and outs.
200 in
130 out

Reservations so far this week - 1
Move ins so far this week - 1
Wrexham's Figures (Indoor) ... My First acquisition

0 Reservations
Were still in the transitional period for Wrexham ... The previous owner is still working there until we can put the technology in the site to make it manless
So the site isnt been run how we would ultimately like to run it at the minute ... We havent turned on any marketing yet either. Theres no point filling up a leaky bucket, we need to fix those leaks first and foremost

Nothing happening at Wrexham at the minute ... Early days!
Reservations so far this week - 1
Move ins so far this week - 0
Thought of the Day -
Its tough been a business owner!
I know I ride the emotions of the individual days too much but when you have personal guarantees in place and debt of over £1 million its difficult not to ... It would be irresponsible of me not to be focusing on the day to day results
I have to remember what Dave Davies says to me ... "Thats self storage"
He's been through looooaaadddsss of different economic climates (hes that old haha ... sorry Dave) and his experience tells him and us, its normal.
I love that quote, its simple but straight to the point, hes been there and seen it.
So conclusion, its been a tough few months but this is just a market correction ... We had a bumper time through CVID and now the market is correcting itself.
Focus on what you can control ie MOVE INS and except the things you cant control ie MOVE OUTS .... Easy to say isnt it ;-)
Health and Fitness ... Move More = Live Longer -
Weekly goals -
Gym - 4 times
Run - 40 K
Results so far -
Gym - Twice
Run - 8k ... Boom!
Yesterdays Steps - 23,327
Give me your feedback ... What did I do well? What did I do bloody rubbish?? Press reply and let me have it
Loads of Mr Self Storage Man Love :-)
PS .... Tell your friends, tell your parents, tell your lover, tell everyone and everyone who will listen to you ;-) ... Heres the link to sign up - www.mrselfstorage.com